What is Psychology ?

     While discussing about human nature, the philosophers expressed their views about the existence of human mind. However some other philosophers stated their opinion about the existence of soul in human beings. In course of time, in philosophy, the tendency to know more about the nature of mind grew strong. In due course, in philosophy there develop a specific area of study for discussion about mind or soul. This is specific area of study was named by philosophers, as psychology. Different think-tanks at different times have attempted to ascertain more and more about human nature. In course of their discussion, they have mentioned about human experience or about consciousness in human beings. They have proposed to accept any one of those as the subject matter of psychology. The area of discussion widened and at one time psychology emerged from philosophy as a separate branch of scientific study. Though psychology became a separate branch of scientific study, yet there remained confusion among the psychologist about its subject matter of study. During this period of development, psychologists of modern times labelled this subject as behavioural science. American psychologist J.B Watson declared human behaviour as a subject matter of psychology. He held that the purpose of psychology is to study human behaviour. This view has been termed as 'Behaviouralism'. In psychology of modern Times, human behaviour is judged in a wider perspective. In their bid to adjust effectively with environment, human beings bring in alertness in body and mind. The nature of mental activities of human beings can be well understood on analysing their adaptive behaviour. Hence, according to the concept of the psychologists of to-day, "psychology is the science of studying adjustable human behaviour". 

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