
  • What is Stridhan ? In ancient times the right of women on immovable property was not recognized in the Hindu society. The right of women was limited to Stridhan or Women's Special Property. Stridhan may be defined as the moveable property over which women have their absolute right. Stridhan includes moveable property like ornaments, jewelry, costly apparel and such other things. Over  such things absolute ownership of women was recognised.

  • Origin of Stridhan : The custom of paying sulka or bride-price in course of time developed into Stridhan. Sulka in Sanskrit means the price or wealth that the bridegroom paid to the bride or her father at the of marriage, and hence the bride-price. In the Asura form of marriage only the custom of bride-price was practiced. But in other forms of marriage too the father of the bride presented gifts to his daughter along with decorating her with ornaments. Also the bride used to receive some wedding gifts from her relatives. All this constituted the Stridhan of which the bride was the sole owner.

  • Scope of Husband's right over the Stridhan : For all practical purposes women had the fullest control over the Stridhan. When a woman died it passed not to her husband or to her sons, but to her daughters. Normally there was no question of husband's rights over the Stridhan. But in dire emergency husband could sell the articles of the Stridhan and then only the husband could utilise the money.

Hope♥️ you understand what the Stridhan actually means and about the origin of Stridhan share this with all persons in your circle and spread this knowledge as knowledge doubles when it is shared.