Koran (Qur'an)

The Koran : The Contents of the Koran : The Koran is the 'heavenly book' and its contents were revealed to the prophet in his dreams and visions. Soon after the death of the Prophet (Muhammad) the revelations were rigilously collected. This came into existence the Koran, the sacred book of Islam. Besides the Koran, the life of Muslim is also guided by the Sunna that is the practices of the Prophet. The sayings of the Prophet are compiled in the Hadees. These set the correct behaviour of the Muslims. The contents of the Koran inculcate five principles or virtues according to which a Muslim has to regulate his life.  These are as follows:

  1. To proclaim that there is no God except Allah and Muhammad is His Prophet.
  2. To offer prayers five Times a day turning his face towards Mecca.
  3. To give alms to the poor as a religious act.
  4. To keep fast from dawn to dusk throughout the Ramjan that lasts for a month.
  5. To go on pilgrimages to Mecca, at least once in his lifetime.

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